Thursday, October 9, 2008

Puree Away

I've been working on making baby food the past couple of nights and so far everything has tempted little Miss Kate's taste buds. However, she is not very picky so this makes my job easy.

Tonight she had fresh pineapple, banana, and flaxseed puree and gobbled it up! Last night I made spinach, carrots, and brown rice and also pureed some fresh blueberries and oatmeal. We'll see what we'll create tomorrow!


Nicole said...

Man I need to come over and find your combination secrets! Lynnsey gags on everything I try to feed her! I've never had a picky eater. I would love to make my own baby food! You are such a "Betty Crocker"

Vicki Parramore said...

OH NO! Betty has WAY more on me! I just to the point where I don't burn things anymore . . . well, most of the time:) I am going to try squash tomorrow. We'll se how happy that makes her:) Bring Lynnsey on over. We'll find something that she likes! And I just went to Costco so I have lots of fresh fruits and veggies!

Hs said...

Bella still gags too. Anything I try--even the rice cereal...