Come in, grab a rag, wash a chair, and sit yourself down! We are the Parramores and we are delightfully MESSY!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Evening Walks
Friday, August 27, 2010
So, I had Kate's crib-skirt setting around here and I got to thinking! My curtains could use a tad bit more . . . foofing. I found the top part of the curtain at Target (I adore Rachel Ashwell's shabby chic line) and even though they are for the standard 8 foot ceilings I bought them anyway. I ended up adding the bottom layer (Ikea) and it still wasn't quite right. The the middle part is Kate's crib skirt which I will look upon and reminisce of her sweet baby days. So what to do about the obvious end of the first curtain? Guess I should have thought about that before I added the other layers. Oh, well. I'll figure something out . . . but they'll probably look odd for a while longer:)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Little Money
Ike got birthday money from Pop Pop in the mail yesterday. He asked us if it was enough to buy Otis (a pug dog). I explained to him that it wasn't enough and he'd need to keep saving. Obviously I didn't explain it very well because this morning he was trying to convince me that "Otis is a little dog and little dogs only cost a little money. Big dogs cost big money and all I want is a LITTLE puppy." Kid logic is so pure and sweet. Hopefully he'll understand that different things cost different amounts whether big or small by the time he has to buy his girl a diamond;)
Kate (age two and a half) found a package of unopened graham crackers in the pantry. After unsuccessfully trying to open it she handed it to me, "It's locked, Mommy!"
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bee or Fly?
The past couple days the flu has been going around here. Yesterday Isaac and Kate got hit hard. While laying on the couch Ike asked me why his tummy didn't feel good. I replied that he'd gotten a bug in his tummy to which he asked, "A bee or a fly?"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Germ Game
Isaac came into my room this morning and woke me up. He whispered, "Mom, can we play the germ game?" Yesterday he was given the Bed Bugs game for his birthday;)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
First Tooth
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Six Months Old!
You are starting to eat foods
You giggle all the time
You are too big for baths in the sink
You are on the verge of crawling
You finally like being on your tummy
You are so happy and rarely fuss
You like your bouncy chair
You love to grab my face and give me "kisses"
You sleep SO well through the night
You LOVE to make eye contact with me
You are a bundle of joy and goodness
We all love you SO much!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Birthday Banner
It didn't take long to cut out the triangles, but I did find it quite time consuming to make without a sewing machine (a slight inconvenience:) However, all the hand stitching adds to the shabby charm (I am almost convinced anyway . . .) I have to say, my favorite element is Ike's five-year-old penmanship on each triangle. He was very happy to lend his talent to my little project and was quite pleased to see me embroider his letters into red -- his favorite color! He was such a fun addition to the project and was most amused at the disappearing fabric ink! After some experimenting, he disappointingly discovered that the ink pen didn't cause anything to disappear, but in fact only the ink would disappear.
We had such a good time making this. Kids and projects go together so well!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
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