Monday, July 28, 2008

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

The dryer is tumbling, the wash machine washing it's fifth load of the day, the baby is snoozing in the swing, and Raechel Ray is behind me cooking up something delicious. My wonderful Monday is in full swing.

Ike has had a busy day. Aunt Michelle took him to swimming lessons this morning. In a week he has made serious progress -- from screaming to laughing. Whatever his instructor is doing, she is doing something right! He came home all giggles and what's more is that he's so proud of himself! Bill and I haven't gone to watch him swim yet (apparently they learn a little faster if the parents aren't there to feel sorry for them), but tomorrow we are going to go watch him! He is so ready to show us what he has learned. We'll post some pictures after tomorrow.

Like I mentioned earlier, the wash machine has been going nonstop today. Among the contents are the new cloth diapers the UPS man dropped by this afternoon. I googled "chemicals in diapers" recently (do the same if you dare) and decided that I was going to try cloth. I haven't ever used cloth yet, but decided to give it a whirl. I'll let you know how I like them. Heidi (sister) uses the Bum Genius diapers and G diapers and LOVES them. She's inspired me to try too. Hey! I stay home all day so what's one more load of laundry a day?:)

Wyatt is here today (snoozing at the moment) and he came bearing gifts for everyone! Fresh fruit! We all sat around and ate delicious, juicy peaches! Even Kate (peach puree)! "Mmmmm," she says and grabs the spoon for more!

Well, Bill and Ike are out golfing so I better take advantage of this rare quiet moment!

1 comment:

Hs said...

How do you like the cloth diapers?