Tuesday, December 15, 2009

57 Days

The pregnancy widget is announcing that I've just 57 days left before baby gets here. Or 57 days to finish making his quilt. Or 57 days left to figure out what diapering system we plan on using this time around. Or 57 days to settle on a name. Basically, that widget is starting to get annoying.

Lately I feel huge. I'm back to feeling tired. I'm starting to have contractions. And I'm trying to enjoy every last bit of this pregnancy. However, I sure am ready to meet this little fella!

Bill has made this pregnancy fantastic -- even though it's been the most difficult by far. He's jumped in on all the household chores, has proven himself to be a terrific cook, and he dutifully lifts my heavy legs into bed at night. YES. Pregnancy legs are extremely heavy at the end of the day. I haven't heard a bit of complaining that my pillows take up more than my fair share of the bed. He just arranges them for me and sleeps on whatever room there is left.

As for my family, we've been absorbed in celebrating the holiday season. Isaac has been practicing for his Christmas program at school tomorrow. I never knew how beautiful "Silent Night" sung off key would sound. I don't ever want him to stop singing it. His holiday enthusiasm is so infectious! Kate is watching us intently, but doesn't much care that we sing songs and bake cookies. She's too busy changing her baby doll's diaper (we go through LOTS of wipes), swaddling the beloved doll, and putting her to bed. And of course she does this routine over and over again. And to add some excitement to the baby doll duties, she's been given another baby doll to take care of and is doing an exceptional job taking care of both babies. Bill has been hit hard at work with endless cases and a lot of extra hours. We are really looking forward to his Dad coming out for Christmas and having Bill home for a WHOLE week! Me? Well, I've been wrapped up in the merriment of children at Christmas -- I probably should go work on that quilt or finalize Baby's name . . .

P.S. There will be pictures again shortly. I have no idea where the memory card is, but I did spy something black and shiny that may or may not say "Nikon" on it hiding in the closet;)

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