Saturday, March 14, 2009

House Update

Our home is a disaster! I've been trying to pack and keep up with the housework, but no amount of cleaning seems to make the place look put together. We've got boxes stacked and paperwork flying around. The toys never seem to make it to there designated area -- they are everywhere! But we're making progress on the packing and the laundry stays folded so everyone looks nice while our little home looks like it could use a visit from Merry Maids.

On the progress report though, we've made an offer with a builder and they've accepted our offer! It's a beautiful home with lots of cottage-like appeal (it's either got the appeal or in my mind I can see it having that sort of appeal someday . . . whatever). On the plus side, it's got a great home school room that should be well in use come fall! We are very excited about that!

We've got an apartment agreement set up so we should move into it five days before the closing date on our house. That should give us plenty of time to set up house in the apartment as well as get this home scrubbed down for the new owners. We've got a lot of work ahead, but hopefully a wonderful outcome is around the corner.

1 comment:

Hs said...

I am so excited for you. It is just amazing how everything is just falling into place!