Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ike's Halloween

As far as I'm concerned, holidays have become so much more meaningful now that we share them with our children. I took Ike out trick-or-treating last night and just couldn't believe how much of his joy I absorbed! It was an hour of pure merriment as he knocked on the doors and wished everyone (in his own words) a "Happy Halloween Time!" His face was non stop smiles as he knew that behind each door he knocked on there was a treat waiting.
When each treat was dropped in his little bag, he thanked the giver quite cheerfully. As soon as we were back to the street, he'd shine the flashlight Grandpa hooked him up with and would look at each treat. "NOT FULL YET!" he'd say with the hope that I wouldn't tell him we were done. We trudged on. It wasn't terribly cold so there was no point in ending the joy. Onward!

After about an hour, and one scary "ghost," Ike decided he needed to go back to Grandma's house. He knocked on her door, shouted "trick-or-treat", opened the door, helped himself to some m&m's, said thank you, and dumped out the loot. A few minutes later, Grandma and Anne took him back out to do another block!

Want to be blessed? Have children! Lots and lots of children!

1 comment:

Michael and Cristi said...

I agree...have LOTS! They are so much fun!