Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fat Souls

My Aunt once spoke of this cute little phrase: "fatten little souls." I loved the saying so much that I've never forgotten it. I think of it almost daily when I am pouring Ike his morning cup of orange juice. His health is important to me so I lovingly add a little lemon flavored cod liver oil or his powdered vitamins (come to think of it, my Mom used to do the same thing to me and my sisters only it was gritty barley greens in what would have been her wonderful homemade grape juice). Anyway, as I do this I think of how healthy I want both of my kids to be and even more importantly how healthy and "chubby" I want their souls to be. I know it's easy to get caught up in so many things being a busy housewife, but in truth it's a person's soul that matters more than anything. So every day I try to remind myself to invest in my children's soul. I try to remember to give an extra scoop of both love and attention, a second (and sometimes a third) helping of patience, heap on the kindness, a double dose of teaching, pile on the understanding, pour on the praise, encouragement, and discipline. Fattening little souls is by far the best investment of time that I can think of!

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