I thought I was getting a good grip on this housewiving job. You would think after almost four years in this profession I would have it down. However, I have come to notice that my talents are limited -- especially when Bill is out of town. The computer broke down and I had no idea how to fix it. Bill and my sister Heidi were on the phone trying to help me figure it out but nothing seemed to work. Well, after a day without a functioning computer you can see that it is fixed and I didn't break the thing after all! Sweet relief! I would explain how simple it was to fix, but I don't know the correct terms:)
I've also realized how much I depend on Bill in that I've NEVER changed a light bulb in this house (except for the lamps). I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am eager to change the burnt out ones just because I never have. I think if it weren't for Bill I would probably just use candles and forget the light bulb changing. Ugh. I am really not very much use around here. I had better become a superior cook to cover up all the things I don't know how to do:) Actually, I need to just buckle down and figure out how to do these things.
And to top it off, the window shades on the sliding door broke, the breast pump broke, and the memory card to my camera is full. I have some things to figure out . . .
What ended up being the computer issue? Loose cord?
I'll call you and tell you:)
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